The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club

Well ,well ,well, we have moved from the bridge, why, you ask,well we just got older,i suppose, Why Darington and the boys club ,Well ill tell you if you carry on reading, Is Alison,Gail,Steve Carl and the rest involved of the gang,,,,,you bet, Lets start with Darington,Club,not a club really,it was about 2 mile from […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 2

Well, we know we had 2 Scooters, but only 1 passed the test so would not be fair to go there and leave the gang behind so we walked, the full gang with some new followers, pete,and andy, Not Alison,she lived in Darrington any way lol, posh house,like,and for sure gail ws staying there,as a […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 3

Just coming into the village Pete, we  nearly there  yet Andy  yeah are we there yet. Steve, about 5 mins more,hey you see down that street,4th house,on the right Alison lives,there Pete, bloody hell,front gardens bigger than our house, and they got a double garage, Carl,yeah been inside,right posh lol,sisters a bit of all right […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 4

Well Next Sunday came quicker than we thought,we had only a couple of meetings at the bridge,that had slowly dissapered  what with Scooters coming, except for the younger guys,and dating with new girls.Saturday meetingss under the Bus Station clock at Pontefract at 12,I was popular because,dad always went shopping to Bradford, to the polish club,Mum […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 5

Well  after a few  weeks,  guess   what You will never guess, Ended up with over 100 people, and the older guys bringing beers,we  couldnt buy any at the Darrington ,Hotel, Too many fags and tabs,Music too loud,,,,,,,, What  was  2  10  watt speakers  lol,,,,,,,,, Parish Council  had a meeting,,,,,shut it down,Wasnt just Chess and Dominoes,,,,,,,,,,,Too […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 6

Well as you know we had some headline news by Edwin Star,  ,,,,,, Darrington had closed down and the Boys club Ponte was open, behind the Bus Station, So we arranged to go for the first night, by the way, not just for boys, any age group accepted, as there was a table tennis table […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 7

As Booker T and the MGS is still playing, the guys walk to the door, Steve,  Pete Andy, go play table tennis ya plonkers. Pete oh come on Andy yeah come on mate Carl ya too young mate  gives Pete 3 pence for the pool table, I get stared at buy Eddy, leader of the […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 8

We  were just playing music,suppose quite jealous,older guys,doing the moves,and the girls only have eyes for them. Id practiced dancing as you do upstairs in my bedroom,in front of the mirror mum had an old really big radio deck and player,i mean big man, was a bush,weighed a ton,she didnt want it in the lounge […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 9

Well the night came to a close,all of us just stood out side, of the club,having a fag and sharing, Pete,how did it go then,inside there Carl not bad, Steve,i danced first time lol Andy, ya liar Carl no hes not , any way how you do at pool Pete  wooped me , 3  nill […]

The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 10

Welcome back This went on for a few months,but as normal we were getting older was still the same guys, Steve and Carl were ready to pass their car tests, School finals were coming up,,,, Pete and andy were allowed to go in the dance area,,,,,,,ps they were crap. Pete had bought a pair of […]