The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 2

Well, we know we had 2 Scooters, but only 1 passed the test so would not be fair to go there and leave the gang behind so we walked, the full gang with some new followers, pete,and andy,

Not Alison,she lived in Darrington any way lol, posh house,like,and for sure gail ws staying there,as a sleep over/

You walked up bagill lane untill the council houses  stopped,then darkness into darrington lane,about a mile to go,do you know that when you hit the 60mph  signs and the houses stopped, the temperature went down about 10  degrees, true, i suppose the heat from coal fires hit the cold from the fields and made a type of barrior,

Steve, sxxt its fxxking cold,

Carl, dam right,glad i got my parker on,,,,,,,,ps a parker is a coat with a hood fur lined,that the mods used on the Scooters,

Dave,only in a pair of levi staypress and a ben sherman shirt,,,,,,,,,fxxking  hell  man,

Clive  in the same,  wel just to walk bloody quick,,,, any one got a fag  ,might warm me up lol

Carl,steve you only got 1 box of records,

Steve it holds 50  not bloody carrying 2 , how can i have a fag with both hands full lol

Th gang  crack up laughing, and move on as fast as they could through the blackness,  was a tarmac lane at least,

In the distance headlights coming towards them fast,,,,,,,,FXXXK  steve says,jump in the fields….some dive left some dive right,   a Cortina mark 2  comes rushing buy doing about 90,

Carl,  Jesus

Steve,Ponsy git

Dave , toss pot

Clive,  well we all got dark clothes on

The gang  all together shut the fxxk up and proceed ,as clive says sxxt messed my new shoes up,, and they were approaching the lights of Darington,,,,,,,,,,,