The Boys Club

The Boys Club & Darrington Club Part 5

Well  after a few  weeks,  guess   what

You will never guess,

Ended up with over 100 people, and the older guys bringing beers,we  couldnt buy any at the Darrington ,Hotel, Too many fags and tabs,Music too loud,,,,,,,, What  was  2  10  watt speakers  lol,,,,,,,,, Parish Council  had a meeting,,,,,shut it down,Wasnt just Chess and Dominoes,,,,,,,,,,,Too many people singing Head Line news by Edwin Star

on the way home at 9,30 lol so  end of an eara,,,,,,,,,,but hey,,,,,,The Boys Club in Ponte,    so we  move on  shall we,,,,,,,,keep informed,,,What happened at that dance, who took The girls home , was judy there, any one get in the van,,,,,,,,,Last  song i played   was  it 25 miles from home girls,,,,,,,,, by Edwin Star,,,,, who knows,,,,,,Join the Boys Club ,