Short Stories


Crazy,how you meet people,in a bar,petrol station what ever,its like the wind brings you together,Was it fate ,who knows,but like a flower,the seed sticks,germinates,and can grow, In life,its the same .that person ,stays,grows and becomes a beutifull flower.IT could be a weed ,that sticks as well,’its the same as a flower,but then chokes you,and grabs […]

The Bridge

The Bridge …. A Short Play

the  scene a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane the year  about……1971 the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight….. ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/ carl.. whats  up then mate. steve.   not  bad , hows you……… allreat, clive..ayup tha made it. steve..aye…. […]

The Bridge

The Bridge …. A Short Play Part 2

the  scene a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane the year  about……1971 the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight….. ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/ carl.   a   up  mate  ,   another night then steve. i   ,i got  out  early […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 3

the  scene a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane the year  about……1971 the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight….. ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/ carl.   a   up mate steve.    hows tha doin carl.   wheres  clive clive,  im here […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 4

the  scene a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane the year  about……1971 the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight….. ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/ carl…….ay   up steve..    now  then  ay   up  mate clive..     ay  up  lads   […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 5

the  scene a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane the year  about……1971 the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight….. ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/ dave   was   there  first///…not surprising steve,   ay  up  dave………seen  clive  or  carl dave.  no  mate […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 6

the  scene a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane the year  about……1971 the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight….. ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/ carl    is   first ,,,,,,,   alone…….lights  a  fag dave….hi  mate carl..    hi  dave dave,,,   […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 7

the  scene a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane the year  about……1971 the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight….. ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/ Dave     arrives   first In     daves   head…………mmmmmmmm   wheres   steve 1   […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 8

IF   youve read, you know  the  scene  the  tunnel,,,,,,,,, carl,,,,,,, hey up mate, hows tha been   doing steve,,,,,,you alone  then, pass us a  fag mate,  got  any carl,,,,,,,yeah  a few, got a couple of  bob  at  scrapyard,  bought a pack of 5 no 10 steve,,  thanks, need  one , whers  rest  of  em carl…. dont […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 9

The Bridge, you know the scene, Steve turns up on the scooter,sxxt no one here,lights a number 10 and waits,a coal train passes  going over to Ferrybridge Power station,do you know thats about 40 trucks, drive so slow,,,,,,,thinks, well stocking up before the miners  strike,,,,,,you know they run every bloody 30 mins now,,,,,,,,,Scargill  will lose […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 10

The scene as usual under the bridge. Steve turns up first, and as usual lights a number 10 Carl turns up on the scooter,and witches the engine off, Steve, hey up mate  good night last night,all the girls were there,how you do lost you about 10,30, Carl,well gail asked to go on the back of […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 11

A rainy night this time under the bridge, Steve arrives first on the SX200,with a Parker coat,Soaked,lights a number ten,thank got had an old flint lighter, matches wouldnt work, that night all the walls damp, Clive ,arrives soaked to the skin,Bloddy pissing it down he says running under the bridge, Dave, arrives the same  Jesus […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 12

Been a nice sunny day,at the bridge,in spring time, Clive and Dave arrive first, Both arrive  together, Clive, i waited at your house bloody an hour for ya Dave, yeah i got bloody detention,, PS was a friday night Clive what  for mate Dave when chemistry teacher popped out i mixed a lot of chemicals […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 13

You know the scene,  the rain has stopped,for 24  hours,its 7pm Dave turns up first,followed soon  by Clive Dave hey up mate nice to see you, got a fag Clive,yeah got a few,,,,,opens a packet of number ten 10 pack Dave, bloody hell a pack of ten, i can only afford a pack of 5 […]

The Bridge

The Bridge Part 14

The bridge,as the sun went down,7,30pm Too  early  for the owl.just some sparrows going to nest above, a great early evening,spring in the air Alison and Gail turn up together, Alison ,where are the lads, Gail, no idea I rang Carl but no one answered, Gail, you seen steve Alison, not since the boys club […]