The Bridge

The Bridge Part 5

the  scene
a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane
the year  about……1971
the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight…..
ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/
dave   was   there  first///…not surprising
steve,   ay  up  dave………seen  clive  or  carl
dave.  no  mate  not  yet,,,
dave..   ya  gota  fag
steve  passes  him  a  cig  out  of  his  pack  of  5
steve,,  bloody  hell dave   when ya  gona  buy  some
dave.   i know  i  know  look  i get  me pocket  money  on friday  ill  get a pack
steve,   yeah yeah yeah thatl be  the  bloody  day
they  both   light  a  ciggy   and  for  a  moment……a  bit  of  silence
carl and  clive  come  round the  corner
carl and  clive together,   ay  up  lads
steve  and  dave   ay  up  mate………
carl and   clive   get  out  some  cigs……
carl..   gota  a  light..    dave  passes  over  his  fag  and  and   both  carl and  clive  take a  light  from  it,   
silence  for  a   while,,,,,,,as  they  all   lean against the  damp  stone   curved  walls  of  the  railway  bridge…..
dave…looks  at  steve……………..wheres  allison    then 
steve……..  dont worry  shes   coming
dave..     she  bringing  a  mate
steve.    ay  i  think  so
carl…   who  is  it
steve..    gail   i  think
clive   ………  really ……..  gail   
steve   i   i  think  so
dave….  bollocks     gail will never  cum ta  bridge.   shes  too  posh
carl.     honest  gail,   you  mean  with ,  you  know,  ,,,,,,,,,holds  his  hands  to  his  chest  too  express   big   boobs
steve   .    yeah  that  gail
dave,,,   bloody  hell  never,   you mean  knockers   gail  , jesus,  id  love  to get me  hands on them
steve,   im  telling  ya
dave  ….   ya  lieing  bastard
carl steve clive……..shut the  fxxk  up  dave
clive   ..   any way  dave  tha  aint even snogged a lass  never  mind   get your  hands on some  boobs
dave..   i  have
carl,   who  then
dave..   mmmmmmmmm   ya  know  whats  her  name
clive   …ha ha ha  ya  liar
dave  ,,,,  no  honest   mmmmmm  whats  a  name
steve  carl  clive,     shut  the fxxk  up  dave.
then a sound  of  hi heel shoes  coming  down the  path, through the  mist
the  four   guys  were  in  silence
allison  appeared  first, with another   person   just  behind,slightly  taller
allison..   hi  guys
all  the  guys……hi  all
allison  walks  up  to  steve  and  plants  a  kiss
allison   ….you all  know   gail
clive   hi  gail
steve  hi gail
carl ,,,  hi  gail
dave,,,,,,hi.gail…………………………….   god,  youve   got  great  tits
steve ,carl ,clive, allison..and  gail…….shut the fxxk   up  dave

now  the  gang  were   6