The Bridge

The Bridge Part 4

the  scene
a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane
the year  about……1971
the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight…..
ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/
carl…….ay   up
steve..    now  then  ay   up  mate
clive..     ay  up  lads    your  all  rate
carl and  steve…        ay   clive
carl,,    bloody  hell im freezing me  bollocks  of
steve..   yeah      chuffin cold
dave    turns   up…………hi   guys
carl,steve,clive   together     ,……….hi   dave
dave,,,,,,,,,,anyone  got  any  fags
steve,,,,,,,,,,,bloody hell dave   when  you gona  buy  your  own   fags
carl…    well  ive  got   some  i  knicked  of  me  dad
clive………   dont  bloody  give  him any………he  never  brings   any
dave,,,,oooo   go  on  mate   just  one,,
carl  ,,,,,,,,no   but  you can  have  a  puff  off  one  of  this.
carl   lights  up  a  fag  and  passes  around…..
they all  take  a  drag  , pass  around , lasts   for   4  puffs   each,,,,,,,,,, clive  ,had  the  last  drag, takes   the  tip  and  flicks  it  through  his  fingers , between  finger  and   thumb….it   bounces  of  the  tunnel  wall   and   dissapears   onto the  path………
dave,,,,  whers  allison then
steve….shes  coming
dave..    yeah  bollocks  lol ,  she   came  last  night ,  bet she  dont  come  tonight
steve..   no  shell be  here
dave   …yeah  ha ha ha ha    yeah ha
steve carl clive,     shut  the  fxxk  up  dave
dave.. starts singing……..alison vickers …cant get in her knickers
steve,clive,carl………………..shut the fxxk up  dave
after a couple of minutes ,  allison arives,   says  hi  to  the  guys , goes  up  to  steve  and  gives  him a kiss……..just a  short  one.,,,,,,,not   to  long……….takes  out  a  packet of  20  fags  ….20   and  offers  ,   steve  a   fag
carl.. freezes
dave……………………..what the   fxxk
steve carl clive………….shut  the  fxxk   up  dave.
allison……….hi   guys……………………and  hands  out  a  fag  too  all
clive……………………..cheers  allison
carl……………………….cheers  allison
steve……………………..cheers   hun
dave……………………..cheers  allison
dave ………….. then ……..after taking  the  fag, they all  light  up,
(that night  dave , had the sense  too  bring  3  matches..).  lit , on the  second  match,and they all  got  lights,  from each  others  fags,,,,,,,,
,,a  deathly  silence  as   they  all  puffed  in the  cold  night  air
dave …..whispered      ………….to  steve……….
hey……………………allison   got  a   mate  then……..ya  jammy  bastard..
but  they  all  heard
steve clive carl………..and  allison.   for  the  first time   ,all together……….
shut the fxxk    up  dave
the  night,  went well , after a couple of more cigs and chat and  all went  home  after saying
see  ya  tomorrow   then….