You know the scene, the rain has stopped,for 24 hours,its 7pm
Dave turns up first,followed soon by Clive
Dave hey up mate nice to see you, got a fag
Clive,yeah got a few,,,,,opens a packet of number ten 10 pack
Dave, bloody hell a pack of ten, i can only afford a pack of 5
Clive yeah made a couple of bob
Dave hows that then
Clive, got a paper round,
Dave , good on ya,got a match,
Clive yeah sure.
Sound of 2 scooters coming down the lane,,,,,,,,,,
put the scooters on the stands,
Steve takes his helmet off,
Clive you got a helmet lol
Steve , yeah new law just come out,,, Note was about 1972
Clive ,bloody hell,
Carl, yeah i gota get one tomorow,
Dave what about cops tonight then
Carl naw its ok ill go back home on the path
Dave so come on carl what happened with gail, are you seeing her aagain
Carl, not sure mate she said shel ring me
Steve, bloody doubt it mate, there hanging around with them older lads at the boys club, giz a fag clive,
Steve getting a bit boring here with none of the girls
Clive, will you take me to the boys club, one night
Steve, your a bit young,but when i pass my test sure or ask your brother
Carl, im not taking him lol when im after gail again, cant get three on a bike lol
They all laugh and have a draw of the fags,,,,,,,,,,,,
Dave , come on carl tell us about her tits,,,,,,,,,,,
Carl,,,,,,,,,, fuxk off lol,,,,youl never know
Silence and they all after several chats, go home