The Bridge

The Bridge Part 7

the  scene
a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane
the year  about……1971
the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight…..
ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/

Dave     arrives   first
In     daves   head…………mmmmmmmm   wheres   steve
1   minute   later……………where   is   clive
he   waits,  5   mins,  its   getting  a  bit   colder   and  damp
its   not  raining ,   but  the   fog   sends   small  drops  of   cold
wet   droplets    on  his     crombie
(if   you  dont  know   crombie       a   black   3  quarter     coat,   all
the  rage  in  those   days, he had  just  bought  it  in   castleford )
Thinks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,where  is   carl,
And  allison,  gail,       god  gails   got   great   boobs………..
God   shes   got   great  boobs………..
the  sound  of   drip  drip   drip   of   water    from  the  roof  of  the  bridge
Makes     small   stalactites        from the  lime  in the  building   work.
Dave  looks   up      and  watches  the   drips………….
The  minutes  seem   like   hours////////////
He   is   alone
Dave   takes   a   fag   out  of   his  pocket   its   slightly  crumpled   and   damp..
God   gails   got   great  boobs,,,,,,,,,,,,,where  the  bloody  hell are  the   guys,,
he  takes  a  book   of  safety  matches   from  his   pocket……….
The   air    is   damp………..first  strike,,,,,,,,,lights   and  them   ppuummmphh
lights   for  a  second   and   dies  away……………
Dave  clutches    his  hands   closer  around  the  book  of  matches    and  strikes   twice,,,,,,,,,,,,,ppppwwwuummmhh./////,,,,,,a   glow  around  his  hand,  which   lights  up  his  face,  then   blackness…
SHIT    he  thinks,1  last  match………….
Where  are  the  guys…………
He   thinks    where  the  bloody  hell  are  they./////////god   dam
i  bet  steve  is  with  gail,       god   shes   got   great  boobs,  the  jammy  bastard
Dave  waits  5  more   minutes,strikes  the  last  safety  match,fag  in  mouth, hands   cupped,   it  lights   up,dave  sucks  with all  his  might,and  finally,the end  of the cigarette   is  lit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,phew   dave  sighs

Just  at  that  moment    a  train,  to  york  .   comes   screaming  over  the  railway  bridge, the  whole  bridge  shakes    ,dave   jumps  in  fright………..and  his   cigarette     falls   into   a   puddle  on the  floor……………..
Fuck ,   fuck , fuck ,  shit  , shit  , dam,   he  thinks
he  waits  for  more  than  30  minutes……….hes  alone,  the  fog  creeps  in.

fuck  it,im scared……………….and   runs   home…………all  the  while  running
thinking…………………………..god   gails  got  great   boobs,,,,,,,,,,,,