Short Stories

Sad Fate of a Possible Millionaire

the scene…….a council house in castleford circa 1966…..well ponte,, knottingly or featherstone,,,,,maybe kippax but thats a bit posh
fred walks in after work
fred. ay up lass how is tha
margie… fine lad im working on this.
fred..whats that then ont told table
margie……its me noootepad im workin on..
fred…note pad whats tha mean ,,,tha just buys one frum woolies.
margie….nnooo nooo itll all work by battery ,,,it means tha can contact people all tother world and get music and stuff
fred…..whats wrong wit blooody post lass i mean postman, buggars will all be made redundant like…
fred,, and anyway if its gona have told music wheres all bloody records goin then,,,,,,,,,,come on tell me,,,,,,
margie……..noooo nooo nooo tha dont understand its alll down ta micro chips…
fred,,, thas of tha bloody rocker………..throws her drawings away…..
fred,,,, an while thas on about chips… shop shuts in an hour so get the arse into gear and me dinner on table……..bloody notepad,facebooks……thas lost it lass……..