Short Stories


just   have to have a copy  of  this
not  part of the  book
but   maybe  it  is……….play  this  song  while  you  read

i can dance like that while cooking a pitza at the same time……he couldnt lol change the words

she wanted ….a pitza..
…a pitza with extra cheese… a pitza hut

i said i dont mind i dont mind what do you mean
with green peppers on top

so i fried em..and i ..fried em
really well …

she said i am the one….who cooks the pitza…..
.. cooks the pitza
really well

she wanted red as well…..
… so i dipped em .in……
i added salami …and corn………. and, herbs and onions..
guess what
chorizo was the one

in a pitza in a pitza all around

she said
i always told youuuu
carefull what you do
stop making that……….. pitza
youll break my heart

i cant go to pitza hut…
.any more

cos the only one i love…………
is the one you doooooooooooooo
steviekins …..does my pitza
he does it like no other one………………………………
etc etc