couldnt sleep last night a story to tell…. before we start you must read this , like , Richard Burton in the war of the worlds.. If you dont know it you must listen to his voice,on the first part on…in fact listen maybe too it all while you read..Music […]
Category: Short Stories
Just a note of something
Crazy,how you meet people,in a bar,petrol station what ever,its like the wind brings you together,Was it fate ,who knows,but like a flower,the seed sticks,germinates,and can grow, In life,its the same .that person ,stays,grows and becomes a beutifull flower.IT could be a weed ,that sticks as well,’its the same as a flower,but then chokes you,and grabs […]
…………..was just in my local bar,,,,,,a spanish person tried to get my keys,,,,,,,,,,was a joke,,,,,,,,, its a big bunch,,,,,,,,,,,so many keys they said,,,,you must have a lot of safes with money in,,,we laughed………..they gave me the keys back, i said yeah i need to sort them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as i pulled them through my fingers,,,,,,,,,,,,,there was the key […]
Advice for Men
TOO BE READ SIMILAR TO THE VOICE ON WORLDS DISASTERS OR CATOSTROPHE ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL TIME 12.01 PM DATE FRIDAY THE 26th OF APRIL The pentium 3 computer was found spread over acres of land it was working ok, This was seconds from disaster There was pieces of plastic spread all around All scattered over […]
The Snake and Women
Crazy,how you meet people,in a bar,petrol station what ever,its like the wind brings you together,Was it fate ,who knows,but like a flower,the seed sticks,germinates,and can grow, In life,its the same .that person ,stays,grows and becomes a beutifull flower.IT could be a weed ,that sticks as well,’its the same as a flower,but then chokes you,and grabs […]