Short Stories


couldnt sleep last night a  story to tell…. before we  start   you  must read this , like , Richard Burton in the war of  the  worlds.. If  you dont know  it   you must     listen to his  voice,on the first  part  on…in fact  listen maybe too it all while  you  read..Music […]

Short Stories

Just a note of something

Crazy,how you meet people,in a bar,petrol station what ever,its like the wind brings you together,Was it fate ,who knows,but like a flower,the seed sticks,germinates,and can grow, In life,its the same .that person ,stays,grows and becomes a beutifull flower.IT could be a weed ,that sticks as well,’its the same as a flower,but then chokes you,and grabs […]

Short Stories


Im not selfish, but what about me im there when you call, what about me i listen to all your problems, what about me get a call, for help, what about me i sit alone , many hours, what about me i feel lonely a lot ,, what about me, i receive your texts and […]

Short Stories


…………..was just in my local bar,,,,,,a spanish person tried to get my keys,,,,,,,,,,was a joke,,,,,,,,, its a big bunch,,,,,,,,,,,so many keys they said,,,,you must have a lot of safes with money in,,,we laughed………..they gave me the keys back, i said yeah i need to sort them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as i pulled them through my fingers,,,,,,,,,,,,,there was the key […]

Short Stories


just   have to have a copy  of  this not  part of the  book but   maybe  it  is……….play  this  song  while  you  read i can dance like that while cooking a pitza at the same time……he couldnt lol change the words she wanted ….a pitza.. …a pitza with extra cheese… a pitza hut i […]

Short Stories

Advice for Men

Advice for men……………part one……… to always get told…………look just go to the pub with your mates go go go go 1. put colors in the washing machine with the whites 2. put the highest wash temp you see…. 3. strip the bed…………wait till shes about to come home,leave all your tool s in the bedroom, […]

Short Stories


TOO BE READ SIMILAR TO THE VOICE ON WORLDS DISASTERS OR CATOSTROPHE ON DISCOVERY CHANNEL TIME 12.01 PM DATE FRIDAY THE 26th OF APRIL The pentium 3 computer was found spread over acres of land it was working ok, This was seconds from disaster There was pieces of plastic spread all around All scattered over […]

Short Stories

The Snake and Women

THE SNAKE I   think  was   summer  of    1992 i had  married  the   wrong  woman, well thats another story and  even  worse  i  was  34   and  she  was  19.    god   what  things we  do  in  haste………..any way cut  a long  story  short,  shed  gone  of  on a  9  month […]

Short Stories


Crazy,how you meet people,in a bar,petrol station what ever,its like the wind brings you together,Was it fate ,who knows,but like a flower,the seed sticks,germinates,and can grow, In life,its the same .that person ,stays,grows and becomes a beutifull flower.IT could be a weed ,that sticks as well,’its the same as a flower,but then chokes you,and grabs […]