The Bridge

The Bridge Part 3

the  scene
a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane
the year  about……1971
the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight…..
ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/
carl.   a   up mate
steve.    hows tha doin
carl.   wheres  clive
clive,  im here mate
steve carl..ay  up mate
clive, ay up lads..
carl.    hey  got  any  fags
steve  ….   yeah bought a pack of  5…
dave  turns  up…………hey  whats  up
carl clive steve…………………..    hey  up  dave

dave……       wheres   allison then……….
steve……dunno ,  shell come,  dont tha  worry
clive…  told  ya  ,    lieing  bastard,thas   not  gotta  chance………
clive…..any way  giz  a  fag………
steve  hands  2   fags  out   to  carl  and   clive……..
dave………ay  up     what about  me
steve……buy   your  own  , tha  never has  any,  anyway  mate
clive carl……yeah      shut  up  dave
dave..    i  had  some   3  week  ago…..
carl clive steve  same   time……….dave      shut the  fxxk  up
dave..     so wheres  allison  then  lol…………..sniggers
steve…   look  shut  the  f   up    or  ill  lamp  ya
dave  ,…yeah , you and  whos  army…..
carl….  he  wont  need   any  bloody  army  lol   shut  up
clive………….  no  daves  got  a  point , wheres  allison  
steve…  i  told  ya  shell  come
dave,,,,,sings ………. allison vickers  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,allison  vickers…………no  ones  ever been in  her  knickers
steve carl clive   together    shut  the  fxxk  up  dave
they all  smoke   a   number  6   together  spread  it   around,the  smoke   climbs   up  and  slowly   covers  the  light  from  the  lampost…………
from the  darkness  they  can  hear  hi heel  shoes…..clipping on the pavement…. in  the  mist.
dave….what the fxxk is  that , a   copper
dave,,,,   shit ,  dump the   fag………well   be  done… me  dad will  kill me.
out  of  the  cold  mist   entering  the  bridge  was  a  girl……….
allison………….hi  guys
steve……hi  allison,   meet  the  guys
dave…………what   the…..what the…..what the,,,,,bloody  hell,,,,,,,,wha………..
he  was  lost  to  put the     T ,  after   wha
carl clive  steve  together……………….shut  the  fxxk  up  dave………….
and   the  gang   from  4   was   now   5…………and  one  female   at  that………….