Short Stories

Cant sleep…………and your god……and Dad

cant  sleep……..stupid  arguement…….nearly  midnight…….need  to  write something  down
thats  what happens  …….is  it  …i  dont know….i feel  like that woman  on   sex and  the city  lol
if  youve seen the  series…….always  typing  things  down  writing  notes when things happen in her  life..
Since  i started  writing  notes  ,  ……………….  lost dad….
funny….. dedications  at the  begining of those  notes,  2  years  ago   said memory to mum
and  those  animals   but  not  dad lol  ….cos  he  was  there…………….not  now

It  was  a  sunday,at the  gun club,   just a normal sunday, except  for  some reason  , the local spanish  guys  kept  saying  ..”whats  wrong with you”…. i didnt have  “gripe.”…flue in spanish, or any other illness,i just wasnt  …………………..quite  right…….
that  night in the  office  ,at  about  8 , my  girlfriend,keely,shouted  down     “hey i think theres a program you might be  interested  in”….was  a  documentry  about the  war…about  1942  on  discovery  program   and  espiecialy  ,about   poland,……..i watched  for  10  mins   then  said,,,,,,,,not interested….
so  strange ,  cos  after all those  years  i watched  every second world  war  documentary.As  i said  ,dad was a lithuanian  refugee,…  read every  book,….cos  he  wouldnt  tell me  anything.,untill later,just before  he  died………….my second  to last  night  with  him………..when he got drunk and i took him too  bed ,but thats another  chapter.
i thought, ill  ring  him………was  about  8.30 , that  night..,June the 12th…and he didnt answer  the  phone…..
now  thats  not  strange,,,id  rang him  for  nearly  20  years  and he  never answered  the  phone  , usually  in  Bradford  or  Leeds  somewhere……i laugh at the times   sooo  many times  he  said….”””you never  ring me “”…he was never  bloody  in…
For  the  first  time , i rang  my  sister,  who lived nearby,and  said,  go  to dads,now  thats ,strange,,,,,,no  joke  maybe , 5000   times  ive  rang him,hes not responded,and for the ist  time i rang  my  sis/..
sis  said ,  dont be  daft….hell be  with a friend  somewhere….
sis  went on monday morning…at  8,30…saw  him  on the  sofa   and thought he was asleep…opened the door.
he was  dead on the  couch.
i got the flight on tuesday……the front lawn was  mowed   not the  back   so on sunday, hed done the front,felt tired,went to  rest  and  died………………….how
after   20  years,,,,the  first time i call my sis , after he didnt answer the phone …
how did i feel strange all day
why didnt i want to watch that documentry after 10 mins
how  did i know,,,,,,,how…..shit   how
im sorry, im not catholic anymore….and those of you that believe in god…..i respect your opinions….i lost my faith……….but there is something out  there…………………..or  how did i know.
as the  late  Dave Allen , brilliant ,irish comedian ,  used to say at the end of every show……….may your god go with you……
i hope  dad is  with what ever  god  he  wanted  to be  with
night  dad////xxxx