The Bridge

The Bridge …. A Short Play

the  scene
a  small railway tunnel in Pontefract   near Cobblers lane
the year  about……1971
the night…..a.cold ,  november,misty,foggy.dimly lit by the one streetlight…..
ps,,,,,,,some names real  some  made  up…….all characters fictional……so i dont get  sued lol/

carl.. whats  up then mate.
steve.   not  bad , hows you……… allreat,
clive..ayup tha made it.
steve..aye…. sneaked out.
dave, thal get in trouble.
carl steve clive. together,,,,shut the  fxxk up dave.
carl.. did tha bring any fags….question pointed…at steve
steve..i … i managed to buy 5 and knicked two outa dads  pack,
clive..   bloody great mate..
steve.. did tha bring some matches…
dave.. ive got some…..,dave gets out of his pocket ,some safety matches….but not the paper to strike them on…
steve.clive carl  all together…..dave ya fxxing idiot  now shut the fxxk  up….
clive  ,,got  one…..
clive   lights the match ..
and   they all  light there  number 6.

smoke  fills the small  area under the bridge and mixes with the mist and the fog,slowly rises  and whisps around the lampost…….silence for a while and they all puff  on the  cigs….
carl..anyway,he says to steve,howd tha get on last night wi gail then, at the pics….did tha get thee hand down her knickers….
dave,,after coming to the end of  his cigarette………i  dont feel so   good…
carl,clive.steve………..shut the  fxxk up   dave….ya  whimp
steve….i did…
clive,,  ya  lie ya bastaxd
steve  ,,no  noo no  serious  i  did…
clive.. what were it like then…
steve.. it were allright…cana funny like..
clive..whats tha mean funny..
steve..  well sorta  funny ya no,,,it wa well  hairy   and  funny
carl.. did you put your tounge down her throat then…
steve..  i  ar did
clive..   ya lie ya bastarx
dave..  i feel   sick….
carl ,steve, clive. together………  have another  fag…      dave  lights up his second number six she didnt put her toungue in yours…
steve..she  did,……  im telling ya
clive.. ya lie  ya  bastaxxd
steve .. no serious mate
dave..   i feel  sick…….dave  slowly going green in the  face….with the  cigs
carl,steve.clive together……….shut the fxxl up    dave..
dave..stop telling me  to shut up or ill get me father on ya.
carl..ha ha ha   ok ill get my father on your father
dave,, and my grandfather will get your  father mate..
clive..  dave  ……………………………………you dont have a grandfather…..
.dave….still  green….is about  to answer………mouth open……stands there what seems like eternity…then throws up against the wall….
steve  carl and clive together…aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww   shit  man..
clive..     anyway steve did ya get your hand down her knickers then….go on tell us…
steve..well tha wont beleive me anyway..
carl..cos i bet tha didnt..
steve..well i did…….and anyway  whats we doing tomorow.. bored here
steve  well im bored here.
carl..  im   bored  here
dave…while  throwing  up…on  his  knees ,  manages  to say….im  bored  here too
steve carl clive    all together…..shout…
well  c  thee  tomorow night then   ….. same  time……ok  c  theee
steve carl and clive………..   all walk away  leaving     dave  clutching the lampost…

a slight mumble from dave,,,,,c  thee tomorow………..then throws up again…..